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  • Writer's pictureKatelan Pittick

Don't Delay Get Checked Today!

When the spine exhibits an abnormal curvature, a condition known as scoliosis, it can lead to various complications if left unaddressed. While mild instances of scoliosis may not necessarily require treatment, failing to address moderate to severe cases can result in significant consequences.

Key Facts:

-Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is the most prevalent form of scoliosis, primarily occurring during the teenage years. The term "idiopathic" indicates that the specific cause of the condition is unknown.

-Approximately 80 percent of all scoliosis cases fall under the category of idiopathic, implying that the root cause remains unidentified.

-In Australia, it is estimated that around one percent of the population, consisting of 26 million individuals, has scoliosis. Fortunately, only a small fraction of individuals with scoliosis will require surgical intervention.


Unaddressed Scoliosis: Risks and Consequences

Spinal Deformity: The most apparent effect of untreated scoliosis is the development of a spinal deformity. The continuous curvature of the spine can lead to uneven shoulders, hips, and rib cage, resulting in a noticeable hump on one side of the back. This can cause physical issues such as muscle imbalances, back pain, and reduced mobility.

Respiratory Problems: In severe cases, scoliosis can impact lung function, leading to respiratory difficulties. The twisting and curving of the spine can compress the chest cavity, making it challenging for the lungs to expand fully. This can result in symptoms like shortness of breath, fatigue, and respiratory complications. It may also increase the risk of respiratory infections and related issues.

Cardiovascular Issues: The compression of the chest cavity caused by the twisted spine can exert pressure on the heart and major blood vessels. Over time, this can impede blood flow and lead to symptoms such as heart palpitations, chest pain, and other cardiovascular problems. In severe cases, it can even elevate the risk of heart failure and other critical complications.

Psychological Effects: Scoliosis can significantly impact an individual's mental health and overall well-being. The visible deformity and physical limitations can cause self-consciousness, low self-esteem, and social isolation. The condition may also contribute to anxiety and depression, particularly when left untreated and interfering with daily activities and quality of life.

Mitigating Risks through Proper Care: Promoting Healthy and Fulfilling Lives

With appropriate care, many of the risks associated with scoliosis can be minimized, enabling individuals to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. The course of action depends on the severity of the condition.

Mild Cases: In mild instances, vigilant monitoring is often sufficient to prevent the condition from progressing. Regular observation and check-ups can ensure that the curvature does not worsen over time.

Severe Cases: For more severe cases, treatment options such as braces or surgery may be necessary to address the condition and prevent further complications.

Bracing: Braces are commonly recommended for moderate - severe scoliosis cases. These devices are designed to exert pressure on the spine, gradually straightening it and impeding further progression. Bracing can help stabilize the spine and alleviate associated symptoms.

Surgery: Surgery is typically reserved for the most severe cases of scoliosis. During the procedure, the surgeon realigns the spine and utilizes medical hardware to fuse the affected vertebrae. This intervention not only prevents the curvature from worsening but also alleviates accompanying symptoms.

By employing the appropriate treatment measures, individuals with scoliosis can effectively manage their condition, reducing risks and improving their overall well-being.


So now it's time to preform a self-check for scoliosis!

Performing a self-check for scoliosis can help detect any potential signs of the condition. Here's a simple way to assess your spine:

Stand in front of a mirror: Wear fitted clothing that allows clear visibility of your body's contours.

Check for asymmetry: Observe your shoulders, hips, and waistline for any unevenness or asymmetry. Look for one shoulder being higher than the other or one hip appearing more prominent.

Observe the spine: Stand with your back facing the mirror and check if your spine appears straight or if there are any noticeable curves. Pay attention to any protrusions or humps.

Bend forward: Bend forward from the waist, allowing your arms to hang freely. Note if there is any apparent asymmetry in the alignment of your spine or rib cage.

Seek assistance if needed: If you notice any significant asymmetry or suspect scoliosis, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a comprehensive examination and diagnosis.

Remember that a self-check is not a substitute for a professional evaluation. If you have concerns or suspect scoliosis, it is essential to seek medical advice for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, if necessary.


Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post, which highlights the potential consequences of untreated scoliosis and provides guidance on performing a self-check. I am committed to further dedicating my efforts to raising awareness about this prevalent condition, aiming to assist individuals in recognizing early signs and supporting the scoliosis community. If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed about all things related to scoliosis!

- Katelan Pittick

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